Home>IGRS News>Olympus Group companies-ITX joins IGRS

Olympus Group companies-ITX joins IGRS


In April 2008, Olympus Group company ITX entered into a formal agreement with the IGRS, becoming an IGRS member. ITX Corporation is committed to the exploration of new business globally; build new business models, such as life sciences, networking and technology, mobile communications and other fields.

At present, the two sides planned to carry out related works based on the IGRS standard.  ITX took part in various technical teams’ work, such as Internet applications. From this time on, following the LG, Philips, STMicroelectronics, Freescale and other famous overseas enterprises, the IGRS Association's international businesses has a heavy-weight member to add. IGRS Alliance members have been increased to 109. ITX’s join, further enhanced the influence in the consumer electronics field.


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